How to convert word to pdf on mac
How to convert word to pdf on mac

  • If your document is larger than 40MB the Word for Mac client might not be able to compile your document into a PDF.
  • If this method causes any errors or fails to create the PDF, you may need to use a PC with PDFmaker and Adobe Acrobat DC to complete this step.
  • Open up the newly created PDF and check the bookmarks and other links within the document.
  • Be sure that the options for "Best for electronic distribution and accessibility (uses Microsoft online service) and hit Export.
  • Under the options for File Format, select PDF.
  • Navigate to the File menu and select the Save As command.
  • Complete your ETD editing and be sure to update your Table of Contents and any Lists of Figures or Tables you might have used.
  • If you are using the 1.9 or later version of the ETD Word Template, you may be able to easily save your ETD as a PDF in a few simple steps, even if you are on a Mac. It should be noted that the Mac versions of Word do not fully integrate the PDFMaker functionality and you may need to locate a PC to do the final conversion. Please refer to Pitt IT's software for students for pricing and availability ( ). You can view and print PDF files using the Adobe Acrobat Reader or a Web Browser that has the Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in. Adobe Acrobat will provide the best results and greatest capabilities for converting your documents.

    how to convert word to pdf on mac

    You can convert any document to PDF using Adobe Acrobat software or some other service or third party application that can generate PDF files. PDF is a universal file format that preserves fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it. PDF is the cross-platform standard for electronic document distribution. Refer to the ETD Format Guidelines Manual for details on PDF requirements.

    how to convert word to pdf on mac

    It is your responsibility as the author to completely review the PDF document for conversion accuracy, and to adhere to requirements for the electronic version.

    how to convert word to pdf on mac

    When your thesis or dissertation is complete and revisions have been made to the document, you will need to convert your word processing document to Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) in order to submit your file electronically to the University of Pittsburgh’s institutional repository, at.

    How to convert word to pdf on mac